Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ok, so im giving this a try....

I have been wanting to include my own stories and updates for a long time now.  So, what has been stopping me?  Well, I have a confession to just not as technically savvy as my husband.  He created this website and I have been just too scared to dive in and give it a try. 

Today is a new writing my first post!!    Here is a picture of my beautiful son who inspires me every day to be a great Mom, a role model, and an inspiration for him to lead a beautiful life.  Enjoy!Noah


  1. Wow Leora good job for your first entry! love the picture of Noah! I love you and Noah and of course my angel Adam!
    Love mom Robles

  2. Well, you did a great job. I wouldn't be intimidated, certainly not by Adam :)

  3. well done leora!! and noah's pic is adorable!

    ~Love you!

  4. Love the picture of the big boy Noah. Wow! almost 3 years old. Send Noah's wish list for his bday. By the way, also love the crocs on Noah.
