Sunday, July 10, 2011

Noah can swim.... kinda

Noah is getting more confident in his swimming skills.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Big Boy Shoes

Today, Noah decided he wants to learn to tie! I've refused to buy Noah any shoes with laces until he can tie on his own. He's not quite there yet, but he is starting to get the hang of it!! I'm so proud of my big boy!

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Location:Katie Dr,Feasterville-Trevose,United States

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It fits!!!!

After 5 1/2 years I decided to try it fits!!!!

I'm down 17lbs and about 5 lbs away from my wedding weight. Go me!!

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lego Night!

Noah is starting to like lego's... I get to be a kid again ;)

Family Day

Today we took Noah to the Please Touch Museum. It was an amazing place for Noah to run around and explore!! After the museum we went to our favorite downtown Dim Sum restaurant.

Noah was so excited to leave the house in the morning!!

Noah and Adam outside the museum. The building itself was incredible!

Check it out...the arm of the Statue of Liberty!!

Learning about cars and their engines!

The Space Exhibit

Noah built his own rocket...

Then got to send it flying across the room!!!

The Alice in Wonderland exhibit

The Hospital and the Grocery Store

This was fun for Noah to see at the museum!!

Noah made Mommy a hamburger at the McDonalds exhibit and then measured my feet for some new shoes. Unfortunately, Noah said the store didn't have my size :(

And of course....Dim Sum and a drive through Chinatown!

What a fun day!!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our Little Artist

Tonight we attended Noah's art show at his school. Each class studies an artist and then depicts their style of art through their own interpretations. Noah's class studied the famous Paul Klee.

Here is Noah standing proud in front of his beautiful masterpiece.

Noah, we are so proud of you and everything you have, can, and will accomplish in your beautiful life!

Noah and Abbey being super cute and having a blast together at their art show!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lots to celebrate!

Lots of accomplishments to celebrate today! I got my final grades back from my first semester and..... A's all around!!! I was really surprised and really, really proud of myself. I can't believe I did it (and so well!) all while being a mom and a wife. That being said I could not have accomplished this without the constant support from my hubby who gave me all the study time I needed. Thanks Adam!!!!

To top it all off, I got on the scale this morning and I lost another pound. That brought my total weight loss to 15 pounds!!! Definitely something to celebrate!!

Second semester begins on Monday. I will continue to work as diligently on both my school work and my health. Let's hope August meets us with just as many celebrations!!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies today! I am so proud to be a part of the Mommy Club. Nothing makes me more proud or gives me as much joy as wearing the title of "mommy"!

Being a mom is hard work, a life-long commitment, and by far the best job in the world. But there is one thing that makes this job even more rewarding and that is sharing all this with the best husband.

Adam and Noah went on a secret mission this morning while I was at work. Here is what I found on my mantle when I got home:

Cutest thing ever, right???? I am so proud to be that boy's Mommy! (By the way, today is also Noah's half birthday. Happy 4 1/2 to you, Noah!)

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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Grampa Rene inspired breakfast. Fried tortilla with cheese, salsa, and an egg on top. Kinda like migas but not cut up.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Journey to a booster seat...

The minimum requirements to move a child from a standard car seat to a booster seat is 4 years old AND a minimum of 30 pounds. Well, our little guy is ready in his heart, but not quiet ready in size. His last well-check was almost 6 months ago and he weighed in at a whopping 29 pounds! The doctors were less than thrilled and urged us to increase his caloric and fat intake and get him re-checked in 6 months. This was not new to us. Noah has been on the smaller side since he was 15 months old. We frequently made extra growth check visits to the pediatrician.
That day, at Noah's 4 year well check, our journey to a booster seat had begun! This journey mostly consists of offering and encouraging Noah to eat as many high fat, high calorie and still HEALTHY meals as possible! I wasn't thrilled about the pediatricians idea of fattening Noah up with milkshakes and ice cream. Instead we turned to whole milk, fatty nuts, peanut butter, and an array of other healthy and high fat foods suggested to us by our amazing on-call doctor, also known as Auntie Lana :). We have lots of discussions with Noah about the importance of being healthy and in turn, eating healthy.
The Compromise: As a family, we decided when Noah weighs a consistent 32 pounds he can move to a booster seat. This sure did motivate our little guy!! This morning he weighed 31 pounds!!! Woohoo!!! Go Noah!!! He is so close and we are so proud of his progress. Noah gets re-checked again next month. I hope his doctors will be happy with his progress.

Enjoy this picture of Noah weighing himself. One of his favorite morning (and evening) activities.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Noah reads "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

For my phonetics class, I had to take a speech sample of a child. I used this video of Noah "reading" as my sample. Enjoy!!
Oh, I got an A on the project :)

YouTube Video

P.S. This is my first post made with my iPhone :) I love technology!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Taking control and Letting go

In my previous post, I mentioned that we are hoping to be pregnant in the near future, hence waiting for a family portrait. I got to thinking, and our family sure is going through a lot of changes, and I am personally making a lot of changes in my own life. I decided I want to document those changes here in our blog.

As many of you know, we are have been trying to have our second child for the last 3 and a half years. Wow, how time sure can pass by! Its incredible to me how I can recall past events and remember thinking "Am I pregnant?" during the time. One that comes to mind was when Noah was 18 months old and he had an x-ray to test for pneumonia. The technician asked me to join him in the x-ray room and asked me if there was a chance I was pregnant. There was, but my current baby needed me and I didn't care. Its memories like these that make me realize how LONG we have been wanting this second child, and also make me grateful for the amazing, perfect, most blessed child G-d did give us. I have learned to let go of this part of my life, leave this in G-ds hands. No more drugs, no more tests, no more artificial anythings anymore. I am letting go of the things I cant control, appreciating what I have, and taking charge of the things I CAN control.

This leads my to my next big health!! Thanks to the guidance of my incredible sister, Dr. Elana Gelman :) I have taken control of my life through the parts of my body which I CAN control. There is a whole different part of my health which I cant control (my positive results from my BRCA testing done 1 year ago), but I can control what I eat and my exercise routine and I believe in turn that may even control what happens with those BRCA results. Stay positive, right? Anyway, the past four months for me have been focused on eating well and exercising. I run 2-3 times a week, and go on walks and do workout videos at home throughout the week as well. My little workout buddy loves to do the videos with me! I have lost 12 pounds so far and so excited to see where I can go with this. I hope to reach my goal weight by my 28th birthday (August 27th)!

Last but not least, I went back to school this January. I work part time and study part time. 3 classes this past semester and too many more to go; all before I can even apply to the Masters program. Im really excited for what my future holds as a Speech Pathologist and thoroughly enjoying school and everything I'm learning. I feel extremely lucky for this opportunity. That being said, being a student again while being a wife, a mom, and having a part-time job can be HARD! So, I'm staying positive,trying my best to balance it all, and just doing my best while trying to be the best me I can be!

To conclude this post, I want to give a HUGE thanks to my hubby. Without him, none of this would be possible. Adam, thank you for:
*Loving me, even when I'm acting nuts
*Entertaining Noah so I can get school work done, housework done, whatever it is I want to get done, done
*Always making sure I have something healthy to eat
*Giving me that extra push to go workout on those lazy Sunday afternoons
*Talking things through with me, over and over and over again
*Laughing at me and knocking me back into reality when I'm crying over the "A" I wanted, but didn't get
*Working hard for our family
*Loving Noah and being an AMAZING Dad
*Most of all, just being there to laugh with, dream with, plan with, re-plan with, cry with, and live my life with

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"I'm wrong. Your right."

The words every wife loves to hear, "I'm wrong. Your right!" I have been begging Adam for years to switch over from wordpress blogs to blogspot. Blogspot is user-friendly, much prettier, and, recently and most important, iPhone compatible! This afternoon, Adam brings me a laptop with blogspot on the homepage set up for Robles Family Blog. "I'm wrong. Your Right." Success! So, here is my first test blog through blogspot!

Our blog will document our journey through life, love, parenthood, and the pursuit of personal happiness.

This family picture was taken 2 years ago. I cant believe its been 2 years already. I told Adam just yesterday that by the end of the summer our next family picture will be planned. The date will depend on two circumstances: 1. I reach my goal weight and therefore, need to document with a gorgeous family picture, or (fingers crossed) 2. We get pregnant! and then delay a family portrait until the end of the pregnancy and take a picture with the three of us plus 1 in utero! :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

No BBQ? No Problem!

My BBQ is still in Texas but that's OK, our fireplace will do :) Venison Taco's, Mexican rice, Pinto Beans, and a quesadilla for Noah. Yummy dinner!

BBQ Fireplace

Sunday, February 6, 2011